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Sail For Gold Regatta

Fitzgibbon & Cox, Hessels, Seguin win firsts titles in Weymouth

Daniel Fitzgibbon : "It’s been a good week for us guys"

vendredi 13 août 2010Redaction SSS [Source RP]

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Skandia Sail for Gold created its first 2010 Champions today in three classes – the Skud-18, Sonar and 2.4mR. In the Skud-18 it was the Australian pair of Daniel Fitzgibbon and Rachael Cox that have dominated the class with seven first places and two seconds.

The Beijing silver medalists beat the British team of Alexandra Rickham and Niki Birrell into second place – which made it silver in successive years at Skandia Sail for Gold for Rickham and Birrell. We spoke to Daniel Fitzgibbon afterwards, “It’s been a good week for us guys, a long week but it’s been a good week. We’ve done really well we’ve sailed well and Rach [Rachael Cox] and I are getting better and better and we’re doing well. It’s great coming to Weymouth [with two years to go], I’m comfortable in the conditions and we’ve had a great a result going forward to the Games.”

In the Sonar class we’ve had an intriguing, week long battle involving another British crew, but this time up against a Dutch team ; Udo Hessels, Marcel van de Veen and Mischa Rossen. They took an early lead, which was dragged back to just a single point by John Robertson, Hannah Stodel and Stevie Thomas going into the final day. But it wasn’t to be for the Brits, who choose a bad day - Friday 13th - to have a bad day, scoring a seventh and sixth. It left the Dutch comfortable winners, with the Israeli team of Dror Cohen, Benni Vexler and Arnon Efrati just a point behind the Brits in bronze.

The 2.4mR class was another week long duel with another Dutch team involved, Thierry Schmitter up against France’s Damien Seguin. The pair had traded the lead all week, and it came down to a single point – Seguin winning it in the final race. The Beijing gold Medallist, Paul Tingley from Canada fell just short of the podium in fourth.

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Paralympics top 5

2.4mR Results- Final
1st Seguin FRA 12 points 
-2nd Schmitter NED 13 points 

- 3rd Kol NED 27 points 
-4th Tingley CAN 41 points 
-5th Pascoe GBR 46 points

Skud-18 Results- Final 

- 1st Fitzgibbon and Cox AUS 11 points 

- 2nd Rickham and Birrell GBR 14.7 points 
-3rd McRoberts and Hopkin CAN 26 points 

- 4th Hovden and Millward GBR 36 points 

- 5th Hall and Faulks GBR 38 points

Sonar Results – Final
- 1st Hessels, Rossen and Van de Veen NED 21 points 
-2nd Robertson, Stodel and Thomas GBR 26 points 

- 3rd Cohen, Vexler and Efrati ISR 27 points 

- 4th Kroker, Prem and Seigmund GER 29 points
5th Wang-Hansen, Kristiansen and Solberg NOR 38 points

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