Classic Toro Andaluz PWA Freestyle Qualifier

Moreno Twins Stake Their Claim As Diaz Reinforces His Lead

lundi 14 avril 2003Information PWA

The fleet awoke to rattling windows and the wind rushing through the ancient streets, here in Tarifa this morning.

Many of the sailors arrived at the beach, looking a little jaded having enjoyed last nights opening party to the full. Tarifa, a town fabled for it’s all-night nightlife, lived up to expectations with the music still playing at sunrise ! There’s nothing better for clearing the head than getting out on the water though and, despite doom and gloom from the forecasters, the wind did not desert the event and heats were underway on time at 11.00 this morning.

The ladies were the first to take to the water to guarantee a result in the women’s division. With 5 girls competing, it was decided to run a 3 heat final, with all girls competing 3 times to decide the winner. The level of all the girls was high, but as usual the Moreno Twins (North, Mistral) dominated the contest with overwhelming skill. Daida finally took the honors over sister Iballa, with clew first spock 540s but it was a close battle, ahead of Silvia Alba in third.

The losers’ final of the men’s single elimination was completed in quite testing, choppy, gusty conditions. The greater experience of Orjan Jensen (North, Proof) allowed him to make the most of what the elements had provided to stand his ground ahead of Victor Fernandez (Fanatic) who broke to the pressure and failed to rise to the challenge of Orjan who takes third in the first men’s single elimination.

Without hesitation, Competition Director Pick Escribano moved straight into the men’s double elimination. The seemingly perfect start to the day was not to last however, and within a few heats competition had to be abandoned due to light winds.

The weather continued to tease all day, sun followed cloud followed rain. The wind constantly switching direction picking up temptingly before petering out to nothing, and apart from a brief squall storming through the event site later in the afternoon, the sailors were confined to the beach.

Clear air gave an impressive view of the North African mountains, which stared down agelessly on the event as the sunset in the West. Tonight will see a big beach barbecue for the whole event and with many sailors hoping to topple Diaz from his provisional throne, the atmosphere will be tense. Undoubtedly some will find a way to relax in the streets and bars of the old town of Tarifa, later on tonight.

More variable conditions are forecast for the next few days, so anything could happen !

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